Sunday, 23 November 2008

Woolly Trousers

Can woolly trousers look good? Maybe on a toddler ...

My mum made these trousers for my son to crawl in. We didn't have central heating, double glazing or nice soft carpets, so they kept him nice and warm and protected his little knees. They are very ecologically sound - knitted from recycled scraps of wool and handed down to the next in line. A family tradition! I think they were used by at least 4 toddlers, being passed round the family, and back here now, the small pairs being worn by dolls.

1994: Our first born - learning to walk!
Big bum - lots of padding provided by a terry nappy.
(terries also passed round the family as they wash and go on forever).

1994: Our first born on the birth of our second child -
I want the new baby's bed, "Mine".
(The new baby seems to have escaped being photographed wearing woolly trousers)

2002: Third child, same trousers
(and probably one of the same lot of terries)
She's still artistic!

And all so cute!

Crochet Doll

It's easy to criticise, so following my last blog I thought I'd post pictures of the doll I made.
Pippi Longstocking.

Sorry, no patterns. I made her up as I went along. 100% crochet.

Saturday, 15 November 2008

What not to crochet

As much as I love crochet, sometimes it just shouldn't happen!
Today I found this child's doll...

... And this one...

Not to be outdone ...

The white mouth and sardonic grin add that little extra to make it scarier.

"Come to me little one, cuddle up"

No doubt they are very cuddly and the acrylic very practical. The must have for my fretful child who has trouble sleeping. If only I could afford one. The price.... $150 !!!

I think I am in the wrong business.

If you can't be without one go to the security blanket ! Free postage!! No sales tax!!! Don't miss the crochet shorts. (Shhh, my husbands getting a pair for Christmas)! Look away feint hearted...




yours for $500



Mr Spooner (enough said) has an interesting blog...

"My ex-girlfriend and I were sitting outside the dressing rooms at The Boston Tea Party one night. She was wearing her pink crocheted sweater and pants set, I was wearing my hat, coat, sweater and pants in autumn colors with a bare tree outfit (see old favorites). I was amazed to see an amazed Rod Stewart staring back at us."

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